
Please find below a list of our peer-reviewed publications. For a list of pre-prints click here.
- Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann, Christian Weinert: Towards Practical Doubly-Efficient Private Information Retrieval. In FC (2) 2024.
- Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Rosario Cammarota, Ilaria Chillotti, Benjamin R. Curtis, Wei Dai, Huijing Gong, Erin Hales, Duhyeong Kim, Bryan Kumara, Changmin Lee, Xianhui Lu, Carsten Maple, Alberto Pedrouzo-Ulloa, Rachel Player, Yuriy Polyakov, Luis Antonio Ruiz Lopez, Yongsoo Song, Donggeon Yhee: Security Guidelines for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption. In IACR Commun. Cryptol. 2024.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Joe Rowell: Scaling Lattice Sieves across Multiple Machines. In IACR Commun. Cryptol. 2024.
- Abbas Alhakim, Chris J. Mitchell, Janusz Szmidt, Peter R. Wild: Orientable sequences over non-binary alphabets. In Cryptogr. Commun. 2024.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell, Nabil Sahli, Mohamed Al-Siyabi: Unleashing AI in Ethical Hacking. In STM 2024.
- Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi: Evolving Secret Sharing Made Short. In ASIACRYPT (7) 2024.
- Benjamin Bencina, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Miha Stopar, Charlotte Weitkämper: Improved Algorithms for Finding Fixed-Degree Isogenies Between Supersingular Elliptic Curves. In CRYPTO (5) 2024.
- Sean Murphy, Rachel Player: A Central Limit Approach for Ring-LWE Noise Analysis. In IACR Commun. Cryptol. 2024.
- Dario Pasquini, Danilo Francati, Giuseppe Ateniese, Evgenios M. Kornaropoulos: Breach Extraction Attacks: Exposing and Addressing the Leakage in Second Generation Compromised Credential Checking Services. In SP 2024.
- Hanlin Zhang, Benjamin L. Edelman, Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi, Giuseppe Ateniese, Boaz Barak: Watermarks in the Sand: Impossibility of Strong Watermarking for Language Models. In ICML 2024.
- Giuseppe Ateniese, Foteini Baldimtsi, Matteo Campanelli, Danilo Francati, Ioanna Karantaidou: Advancing Scalability in Decentralized Storage: A Novel Approach to Proof-of-Replication via Polynomial Evaluation. In CRYPTO (2) 2024.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Giacomo Fenzi, Oleksandra Lapiha, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen: SLAP: Succinct Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitments from Standard Assumptions. In EUROCRYPT (6) 2024.
- Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, Helen Möllering, Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, Ajith Suresh, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Shay Vargaftik, Christian Weinert, Hossein Yalame, Avishay Yanai: ScionFL: Efficient and Robust Secure Quantized Aggregation. In SaTML 2024.
- Sofía Celi, Shai Levin, Joe Rowell: CDLS: Proving Knowledge of Committed Discrete Logarithms with Soundness. In AFRICACRYPT 2024.
- Benjamin Bencina, Alessandro Budroni, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Mukul Kulkarni: Properties of Lattice Isomorphism as a Cryptographic Group Action. In PQCrypto (1) 2024.
- Danilo Francati, Daniele Friolo, Giulio Malavolta, Daniele Venturi: Multi-key and Multi-input Predicate Encryption (for Conjunctions) from Learning with Errors. In J. Cryptol. 2024.
- Aggelos Kiayias, Feng-Hao Liu, Yiannis Tselekounis: (Continuous) Non-malleable Codes for Partial Functions with Manipulation Detection and Light Updates. In J. Cryptol. 2024.
- Tabitha Ogilvie: Differential Privacy for Free? Harnessing the Noise in Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. In CT-RSA 2024.
- Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi: Non-malleable Fuzzy Extractors. In ACNS (1) 2024.
- Zoltán Ádám Mann, Christian Weinert, Daphnee Chabal, Joppe W. Bos: Towards Practical Secure Neural Network Inference: The Journey So Far and the Road Ahead. In ACM Comput. Surv. 2024.
- Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Cryptography and Coding - 19th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12-14, 2023, Proceedings. In Springer 2024.
- Anamaria Costache, Benjamin R. Curtis, Erin Hales, Sean Murphy, Tabitha Ogilvie, Rachel Player: On the Precision Loss in Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. In SAC 2023.
- Laura Hetz, Thomas Schneider, Christian Weinert: Scaling Mobile Private Contact Discovery to Billions of Users. In ESORICS (1) 2023.
- Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann: Homomorphic Polynomial Evaluation Using Galois Structure and Applications to BFV Bootstrapping. In ASIACRYPT (6) 2023.
- Colin Putman, Keith M. Martin: Selective Delegation of Attributes in Mercurial Signature Credentials. In IMACC 2023.
- Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Dynamic Multi-server Updatable Encryption. In ISC 2023.
- Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: CLUE: Certificateless Updatable Encryption. In ITASEC 2023.
- Ashley Fraser, Lydia Garms, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: On the Incoercibility of Digital Signatures. In CSF 2023.
- Liam Medley, Angelique Faye Loe, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: SoK: Delay-Based Cryptography. In CSF 2023.
- Wouter Castryck, Marc Houben, Simon-Philipp Merz, Marzio Mula, Sam van Buuren, Frederik Vercauteren: Weak Instances of Class Group Action Based Cryptography via Self-pairings. In CRYPTO (3) 2023.
- Joël Alwen, Marta Mularczyk, Yiannis Tselekounis: Fork-Resilient Continuous Group Key Agreement. In CRYPTO (4) 2023.
- Angelique Faye Loe, Liam Medley, Christian O'Connell, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Applications of Timed-Release Encryption with Implicit Authentication. In AFRICACRYPT 2023.
- Tomer Ashur, Chris J. Mitchell: Special Issue on Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology - Foreword. In Comput. J. 2023.
- Saqib A. Kakvi, Keith M. Martin, Colin Putman, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: SoK: Anonymous Credentials. In SSR 2023.
- Luca De Feo, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Antonin Leroux, Simon-Philipp Merz, Lorenz Panny, Benjamin Wesolowski: SCALLOP: Scaling the CSI-FiSh. In Public Key Cryptography (1) 2023.
- Anamaria Costache, Lea Nürnberger, Rachel Player: Optimisations and Tradeoffs for HElib. In CT-RSA 2023.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Miro Haller, Lenka Mareková, Kenneth G. Paterson: Caveat Implementor! Key Recovery Attacks on MEGA. In EUROCRYPT (5) 2023.
- Mingxun Zhou, Wei-Kai Lin, Yiannis Tselekounis, Elaine Shi: Optimal Single-Server Private Information Retrieval. In EUROCRYPT (1) 2023.
- Christoph Hagen, Christian Weinert, Christoph Sendner, Alexandra Dmitrienko, Thomas Schneider: Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers: Low-cost Attacks, Quantitative Analyses, and Efficient Mitigations. In ACM Trans. Priv. Secur. 2023.
- Gareth T. Davies, Jeroen Pijnenburg: sfPERKS: Persistent and Distributed Key Acquisition for Secure Storage from Passwords. In SAC 2022.
- Martin Brain, Carlos Cid, Rachel Player, Wrenna Robson: Verifying Classic McEliece: Examining the Role of Formal Methods in Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardisation. In CBCrypto 2022.
- Jeroen Pijnenburg, Bertram Poettering: On Secure Ratcheting with Immediate Decryption. In ASIACRYPT (3) 2022.
- Olivier Blazy, Saqib A. Kakvi: Identity-Based Encryption in DDH Hard Groups. In AFRICACRYPT 2022.
- Angelique Faye Loe, Liam Medley, Christian O'Connell, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: TIDE: A Novel Approach to Constructing Timed-Release Encryption. In ACISP 2022.
- Xavier Bultel, Ashley Fraser, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Improving the Efficiency of Report and Trace Ring Signatures. In SSS 2022.
- Marcel Armour, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Subverting Deniability. In ProvSec 2022.
- Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Epoch Confidentiality in Updatable Encryption. In ProvSec 2022.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Valerio Cini, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan: Lattice-Based SNARKs: Publicly Verifiable, Preprocessing, and Recursively Composable - (Extended Abstract). In CRYPTO (2) 2022.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Raphael Eikenberg, Kenneth G. Paterson: Breaking Bridgefy, again: Adopting libsignal is not enough. In USENIX Security Symposium 2022.
- Marcel Armour, Bertram Poettering: Algorithm substitution attacks against receivers. In Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2022.
- Nick Frymann, Daniel Gardham, Mark Manulis: Unlinkable Delegation of WebAuthn Credentials. In ESORICS (3) 2022.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Lenka Mareková, Kenneth G. Paterson, Igors Stepanovs: Four Attacks and a Proof for Telegram. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2022.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Peter R. Wild: Constructing Orientable Sequences. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2022.
- Daniel Gardham, Mark Manulis: Revocable Hierarchical Attribute-Based Signatures from Lattices. In ACNS 2022.
- Haibat Khan, Benjamin Dowling, Keith M. Martin: Pragmatic authenticated key agreement for IEEE Std 802.15.6. In Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2022.
- Carlos Cid, Lorenzo Grassi, Aldo Gunsing, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger: Influence of the Linear Layer on the Algebraic Degree in SP-Networks. In IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2022.
- Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Yan Bo Ti: On the Isogeny Problem with Torsion Point Information. In Public Key Cryptography (1) 2022.
- Liqun Chen, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Securing emergent behaviour in swarm robotics. In J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 2022.
- Lydia Garms, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Giulia Traverso: Anonymity and rewards in peer rating systems. In J. Comput. Secur. 2022.
- Carlos Cid, John Petter Indrøy, Håvard Raddum: FASTA - A Stream Cipher for Fast FHE Evaluation. In CT-RSA 2022.
- Keitaro Hashimoto, Shuichi Katsumata, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Thomas Prest, Bas Westerbaan: A Concrete Treatment of Efficient Continuous Group Key Agreement via Multi-Recipient PKEs. In CCS 2021.
- Gaëtan Pradel, Chris J. Mitchell: Privacy-Preserving Biometric Matching Using Homomorphic Encryption. In TrustCom 2021.
- Rouzbeh Behnia, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Attila Altay Yavuz: Lattice-Based Proof-of-Work for Post-Quantum Blockchains. In DPM/CBT@ESORICS 2021.
- Chris J. Mitchell: How not to secure wireless sensor networks: a plethora of insecure polynomial-based key pre-distribution schemes. In IET Inf. Secur. 2021.
- Marcel Armour, Carlos Cid: Partition Oracles from Weak Key Forgeries. In CANS 2021.
- Ashley Fraser, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Report and Trace Ring Signatures. In CANS 2021.
- Andrea Basso, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Antonio Sanso: Cryptanalysis of an Oblivious PRF from Supersingular Isogenies. In ASIACRYPT (1) 2021.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Thanassis Giannetsos, Daniele Sgandurra: CYSARM@CCS '21: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, 19 November 2021. In ACM 2021.
- Maryam Mehrnezhad, Thyla van der Merwe, Chris J. Mitchell: Guest Editorial: Security and Privacy. In IEEE Commun. Stand. Mag. 2021.
- Liam Medley, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Collaborative Verifiable Delay Functions. In Inscrypt 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jorge Blasco, Rikke Bjerg Jensen, Lenka Mareková: Collective Information Security in Large-Scale Urban Protests: the Case of Hong Kong. In USENIX Security Symposium 2021.
- Hiroki Okada, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Carlos Cid: Integer-Wise Functional Bootstrapping on TFHE: Applications in Secure Integer Arithmetics. In Inf. 2021.
- Marc Sel, Chris J. Mitchell: Automating the Evaluation of Trustworthiness. In TrustBus 2021.
- Marc Joye, Oleksandra Lapiha, Ky Nguyen, David Naccache: The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Russell W. F. Lai: Subtractive Sets over Cyclotomic Rings - Limits of Schnorr-Like Arguments over Lattices. In CRYPTO (2) 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Shi Bai, Jianwei Li, Joe Rowell: Lattice Reduction with Approximate Enumeration Oracles - Practical Algorithms and Concrete Performance. In CRYPTO (2) 2021.
- Hiroki Okada, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Carlos Cid: A Comparison of GKE Protocols based on SIDH. In SECRYPT 2021.
- Jianwei Li: On the Smallest Ratio Problem of Lattice Bases. In ISSAC 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Nadia Heninger: On Bounded Distance Decoding with Predicate: Breaking the "Lattice Barrier" for the Hidden Number Problem. In EUROCRYPT (1) 2021.
- Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Charlotte Weitkämper: One-Way Functions and Malleability Oracles: Hidden Shift Attacks on Isogeny-Based Protocols. In EUROCRYPT (1) 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jorge Blasco, Rikke Bjerg Jensen, Lenka Mareková: Mesh Messaging in Large-Scale Protests: Breaking Bridgefy. In CT-RSA 2021.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Alex Davidson, Amit Deo, Nigel P. Smart: Round-Optimal Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions from Ideal Lattices. In Public Key Cryptography (2) 2021.
- Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Fernando Virdia: On the Success Probability of Solving Unique SVP via BKZ. In Public Key Cryptography (1) 2021.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Yet another insecure group key distribution scheme using secret sharing. In J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 2021.
- Lan Xu, Jianwei Li, Li Dai, Ningmei Yu: Hardware Trojans detection based on BP neural network. In ICTA 2020.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Thanassis Giannetsos, Daniele Sgandurra: CYSARM@CCS '20: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race, Virtual Event, USA, November, 2020. In ACM 2020.
- Jeroen Pijnenburg, Bertram Poettering: Efficiency Improvements for Encrypt-to-Self. In CYSARM@CCS 2020.
- Sean Murphy, Maura B. Paterson, Christine Swart: Boolean Ring Cryptographic Equation Solving. In SAC 2020.
- Ashley Fraser, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Protecting the Privacy of Voters: New Definitions of Ballot Secrecy for E-Voting. In SAC 2020.
- Steven D. Galbraith, Robert Granger, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit: On Index Calculus Algorithms for Subfield Curves. In SAC 2020.
- Sean Murphy, Rachel Player: Discretisation and Product Distributions in Ring-LWE. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2020.
- Gaëtan Pradel, Chris J. Mitchell: Post-quantum Certificates for Electronic Travel Documents. In DETIPS/DeSECSys/MPS/SPOSE@ESORICS 2020.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Shi Bai, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner, Damien Stehlé, Weiqiang Wen: Faster Enumeration-Based Lattice Reduction: Root Hermite Factor k. In CRYPTO (2) 2020.
- Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Mélissa Rossi, Fernando Virdia: (One) Failure Is Not an Option: Bootstrapping the Search for Failures in Lattice-Based Encryption Schemes. In EUROCRYPT (3) 2020.
- Simon-Philipp Merz, Romy Minko, Christophe Petit: Another Look at Some Isogeny Hardness Assumptions. In CT-RSA 2020.
- Andrea Basso, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Charlotte Weitkämper: On Adaptive Attacks Against Jao-Urbanik's Isogeny-Based Protocol. In AFRICACRYPT 2020.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Vlad Gheorghiu, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, John M. Schanck: Estimating Quantum Speedups for Lattice Sieves. In ASIACRYPT (2) 2020.
- Carlos Cid, Akinori Hosoyamada, Yunwen Liu, Siang Meng Sim: Quantum Cryptanalysis on Contracting Feistel Structures and Observation on Related-Key Settings. In INDOCRYPT 2020.
- Hiroki Okada, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Carlos Cid: Integerwise Functional Bootstrapping on TFHE. In ISC 2020.
- Thyla van der Merwe, Chris J. Mitchell, Maryam Mehrnezhad: Security Standardisation Research - 6th International Conference, SSR 2020, London, UK, November 30 - December 1, 2020, Proceedings. In Springer 2020.
- Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Fair and Sound Secret Sharing from Homomorphic Time-Lock Puzzles. In ProvSec 2020.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell: User Access Privacy in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. In EuroS&P Workshops 2020.
- Jeroen Pijnenburg, Bertram Poettering: Encrypt-to-Self: Securely Outsourcing Storage. In ESORICS (1) 2020.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Pooya Farshim, Shuai Han, Dennis Hofheinz, Enrique Larraia, Kenneth G. Paterson: Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation. In J. Cryptol. 2020.
- Anamaria Costache, Kim Laine, Rachel Player: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Heuristic Worst-Case Noise Analysis in FHE. In ESORICS (2) 2020.
- Lydia Garms, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Giulia Traverso: Anonymity and Rewards in Peer Rating Systems. In SCN 2020.
- Divesh Aggarwal, Jianwei Li, Phong Q. Nguyen, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz: Slide Reduction, Revisited - Filling the Gaps in SVP Approximation. In CRYPTO (2) 2020.
- Jeroen Pijnenburg, Bertram Poettering: Key Assignment Schemes with Authenticated Encryption, revisited. In IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2020.
- Haibat Khan, Keith M. Martin: A survey of subscription privacy on the 5G radio interface - The past, present and future. In J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 2020.
- Morten Øygarden, Patrick Felke, Håvard Raddum, Carlos Cid: Cryptanalysis of the Multivariate Encryption Scheme EFLASH. In CT-RSA 2020.
- Chris J. Mitchell: The impact of quantum computing on real-world security: A 5G case study. In Comput. Secur. 2020.
- Samuel Jaques, Michael Naehrig, Martin Roetteler, Fernando Virdia: Implementing Grover Oracles for Quantum Key Search on AES and LowMC. In EUROCRYPT (2) 2020.
- Craig Costello, Patrick Longa, Michael Naehrig, Joost Renes, Fernando Virdia: Improved Classical Cryptanalysis of SIKE in Practice. In Public Key Cryptography (2) 2020.
- Martin R. Albrecht: Cryptography and Coding - 17th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2019, Oxford, UK, December 16-18, 2019, Proceedings. In Springer 2019.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell, Thomas M. Chen: OAuthGuard: Protecting User Security and Privacy with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. In SSR 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Léo Ducas, Gottfried Herold, Elena Kirshanova, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Marc Stevens: The General Sieve Kernel and New Records in Lattice Reduction. In EUROCRYPT (2) 2019.
- Elena Kirshanova, Erik Mårtensson, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Subhayan Roy Moulik: Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem and Their Application to Lattice Sieving. In ASIACRYPT (1) 2019.
- Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit: Factoring Products of Braids via Garside Normal Form. In Public Key Cryptography (2) 2019.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Thanassis Giannetsos, Daniele Sgandurra: Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race, CYSARM@CCS 2019, London, UK, November 15, 2019. In ACM 2019.
- Angelique Faye Loe, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: You Shall Not Join: A Measurement Study of Cryptocurrency Peer-to-Peer Bootstrapping Techniques. In CCS 2019.
- Marcel Armour, Bertram Poettering: Substitution Attacks against Message Authentication. In IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2019.
- Marcel Armour, Bertram Poettering: Subverting Decryption in AEAD. In IMACC 2019.
- Haibat Khan, Keith M. Martin: On the Efficacy of New Privacy Attacks against 5G AKA. In ICETE (2) 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Christian Hanser, Andrea Höller, Thomas Pöppelmann, Fernando Virdia, Andreas Wallner: Implementing RLWE-based Schemes Using an RSA Co-Processor. In IACR Trans. Cryptogr. Hardw. Embed. Syst. 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Torben Brandt Hansen, Kenneth G. Paterson: libInterMAC: Beyond Confidentiality and Integrity in Practice. In IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin R. Curtis, Thomas Wunderer: Exploring Trade-offs in Batch Bounded Distance Decoding. In SAC 2019.
- Benjamin R. Curtis, Rachel Player: On the Feasibility and Impact of Standardising Sparse-secret LWE Parameter Sets for Homomorphic Encryption. In WAHC@CCS 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Lorenzo Grassi, Dmitry Khovratovich, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger: Algebraic Cryptanalysis of STARK-Friendly Designs: Application to MARVELlous and MiMC. In ASIACRYPT (3) 2019.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Lorenzo Grassi, Léo Perrin, Sebastian Ramacher, Christian Rechberger, Dragos Rotaru, Arnab Roy, Markus Schofnegger: Feistel Structures for MPC, and More. In ESORICS (2) 2019.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Maura B. Paterson: Functional repair codes: a view from projective geometry. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2019.
- Ashley Fraser, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth: A Critique of Game-Based Definitions of Receipt-Freeness for Voting. In ProvSec 2019.
- Carlos Cid, Michael J. Jacobson Jr.: Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2018 - 25th International Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada, August 15-17, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. In Springer 2019.
- Jianwei Li, Phong Q. Nguyen: Computing a Lattice Basis Revisited. In ISSAC 2019.
- Lydia Garms, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: A New Approach to Modelling Centralised Reputation Systems. In AFRICACRYPT 2019.
- Sean Murphy, Rachel Player: delta -subgaussian Random Variables in Cryptography. In ACISP 2019.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Security issues in a group key establishment protocol. In Comput. J. 2019.
- Rachel Player: Parameter selection in lattice-based cryptography. In Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK 2018.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell, Thomas M. Chen: Mitigating CSRF attacks on OAuth 2.0 Systems. In PST 2018.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell, Thomas M. Chen: Your Code Is My Code: Exploiting a Common Weakness in OAuth 2.0 Implementations. In Security Protocols Workshop 2018.
- Jorge Blasco, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: InfoSec Cinema: Using Films for Information Security Teaching. In ASE @ USENIX Security Symposium 2018.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jake Massimo, Kenneth G. Paterson, Juraj Somorovsky: Prime and Prejudice: Primality Testing Under Adversarial Conditions. In CCS 2018.
- Babak Daghighi, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Salman Iqbal, Muhammad Habib Ur Rehman, Keith M. Martin: Host mobility key management in dynamic secure group communication. In Wirel. Networks 2018.
- Carlos Cid, Tao Huang, Thomas Peyrin, Yu Sasaki, Ling Song: Boomerang Connectivity Table: A New Cryptanalysis Tool. In EUROCRYPT (2) 2018.
- Hiroki Okada, Carlos Cid, Seira Hidano, Shinsaku Kiyomoto: Linear Depth Integer-Wise Homomorphic Division. In WISTP 2018.
- Fatma Al Maqbali, Chris J. Mitchell: Email-based Password Recovery - Risking or Rescuing Users?. In ICCST 2018.
- Nasser Mohammed Al-Fannah, Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell: Beyond Cookie Monster Amnesia: Real World Persistent Online Tracking. In ISC 2018.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Amit Deo, Kenneth G. Paterson: Cold Boot Attacks on Ring and Module LWE Keys Under the NTT. In IACR Trans. Cryptogr. Hardw. Embed. Syst. 2018.
- Haibat Khan, Benjamin Dowling, Keith M. Martin: Highly Efficient Privacy-Preserving Key Agreement for Wireless Body Area Networks. In TrustCom/BigDataSE 2018.
- Liqun Chen, Jinguang Han, Chris J. Mitchell: Message from the Guest Editors. In Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2018.
- Maxime Meyer, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth: Attacks Against GSMA's M2M Remote Provisioning (Short Paper). In Financial Cryptography 2018.
- Rémi Bricout, Sean Murphy, Kenneth G. Paterson, Thyla van der Merwe: Analysing and exploiting the Mantin biases in RC4. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2018.
- Hao Chen, Kim Laine, Rachel Player, Yuhou Xia: High-Precision Arithmetic in Homomorphic Encryption. In CT-RSA 2018.
- Haibat Khan, Benjamin Dowling, Keith M. Martin: Identity Confidentiality in 5G Mobile Telephony Systems. In SSR 2018.
- Angelique Faye Loe, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Conquering Generals: an NP-Hard Proof of Useful Work. In CRYBLOCK@MobiSys 2018.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin R. Curtis, Amit Deo, Alex Davidson, Rachel Player, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Fernando Virdia, Thomas Wunderer: Estimate All the {LWE, NTRU} Schemes!. In SCN 2018.
- Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth: Secret, verifiable auctions from elections. In Theor. Comput. Sci. 2018.
- Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth: Authentication with Weaker Trust Assumptions for Voting Systems. In AFRICACRYPT 2018.
- Liqun Chen, Qin Li, Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Private reputation retrieval in public - a privacy-aware announcement scheme for VANETs. In IET Inf. Secur. 2017.
- Sarah Louise Renwick, Keith M. Martin: Practical Architectures for Deployment of Searchable Encryption in a Cloud Environment. In Cryptogr. 2017.
- Thalia M. Laing, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson: Localised multisecret sharing. In Cryptogr. Commun. 2017.
- Fatma Al Maqbali, Chris J. Mitchell: AutoPass: An automatic password generator. In ICCST 2017.
- Carlos Cid, Tao Huang, Thomas Peyrin, Yu Sasaki, Ling Song: A Security Analysis of Deoxys and its Internal Tweakable Block Ciphers. In IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2017.
- Luca Rose, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Stefan Valentin: Increasing the Security of Wireless Communication through Relaying and Interference Generation. In WCNC 2017.
- Giovanni Livraga, Chris J. Mitchell: Security and Trust Management - 13th International Workshop, STM 2017, Oslo, Norway, September 14-15, 2017, Proceedings. In Springer 2017.
- Hao Chen, Kim Laine, Rachel Player: Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library - SEAL v2.1. In Financial Cryptography Workshops 2017.
- Lydia Garms, Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Reputation Schemes for Pervasive Social Networks with Anonymity (Short Paper). In PST 2017.
- Christian A. Gorke, Christian Janson, Frederik Armknecht, Carlos Cid: Cloud Storage File Recoverability. In SCC@AsiaCCS 2017.
- Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Chris J. Mitchell: Trashing IMSI catchers in mobile networks. In WISEC 2017.
- Jeremie Leguay, Georgios S. Paschos, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth: CryptoCache: Network caching with confidentiality. In ICC 2017.
- Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Martin R. Albrecht, Thomas Ricosset: Sampling from Arbitrary Centered Discrete Gaussians for Lattice-Based Cryptography. In ACNS 2017.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Alex Davidson, Enrique Larraia: Notes on GGH13 Without the Presence of Ideals. In IMACC 2017.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Amit Deo: Large Modulus Ring-LWE ≥ Module-LWE. In ASIACRYPT (1) 2017.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Florian Göpfert, Fernando Virdia, Thomas Wunderer: Revisiting the Expected Cost of Solving uSVP and Applications to LWE. In ASIACRYPT (1) 2017.
- James Alderman, Keith M. Martin, Sarah Louise Renwick: Multi-level Access in Searchable Symmetric Encryption. In Financial Cryptography Workshops 2017.
- James Alderman, Benjamin R. Curtis, Oriol Farràs, Keith M. Martin, Jordi Ribes-González: Private Outsourced Kriging Interpolation. In Financial Cryptography Workshops 2017.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Emmanuela Orsini, Kenneth G. Paterson, Guy Peer, Nigel P. Smart: Tightly Secure Ring-LWE Based Key Encapsulation with Short Ciphertexts. In ESORICS (1) 2017.
- Alex Davidson, Carlos Cid: An Efficient Toolkit for Computing Private Set Operations. In ACISP (2) 2017.
- Martin R. Albrecht: On Dual Lattice Attacks Against Small-Secret LWE and Parameter Choices in HElib and SEAL. In EUROCRYPT (2) 2017.
- Liqun Chen, Thalia M. Laing, Keith M. Martin: Revisiting and Extending the AONT-RS Scheme: A Robust Computationally Secure Secret Sharing Scheme. In AFRICACRYPT 2017.
- Steven D. Galbraith, Shishay W. Gebregiyorgis, Sean Murphy: Algorithms for the approximate common divisor problem. In LMS J. Comput. Math. 2016.
- Johannes Buchmann, Florian Göpfert, Rachel Player, Thomas Wunderer: On the Hardness of LWE with Binary Error: Revisiting the Hybrid Lattice-Reduction and Meet-in-the-Middle Attack. In AFRICACRYPT 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jean Paul Degabriele, Torben Brandt Hansen, Kenneth G. Paterson: A Surfeit of SSH Cipher Suites. In CCS 2016.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell: Analysing the Security of Google's Implementation of OpenID Connect. In DIMVA 2016.
- Konstantinos Mersinas, Bjoern Hartig, Keith M. Martin, Andrew Seltzer: Are information security professionals expected value maximizers?: An experiment and survey-based test. In J. Cybersecur. 2016.
- Dieter Jungnickel, Jennifer D. Key, Chris J. Mitchell, Ronald C. Mullin, Peter R. Wild: Editorial for the 25th anniversary issue. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2016.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell: Message from the guest editors. In Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2016.
- Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Chris J. Mitchell: Retrofitting Mutual Authentication to GSM Using RAND Hijacking. In STM 2016.
- Fatma Al Maqbali, Chris J. Mitchell: Password Generators: Old Ideas and New. In WISTP 2016.
- Chris J. Mitchell: On the Security of 2-Key Triple DES. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jean-Charles Faugère, Pooya Farshim, Gottfried Herold, Ludovic Perret: Polly Cracker, revisited. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2016.
- Michelle Kendall, Keith M. Martin: Graph-theoretic design and analysis of key predistribution schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2016.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Maura B. Paterson: Disjoint difference families and their applications. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2016.
- Lidong Chen, David A. McGrew, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Standardisation Research - Third International Conference, SSR 2016, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, December 5-6, 2016, Proceedings. In Springer 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Shi Bai, Léo Ducas: A Subfield Lattice Attack on Overstretched NTRU Assumptions - Cryptanalysis of Some FHE and Graded Encoding Schemes. In CRYPTO (1) 2016.
- Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Stefano Tomasin: Geo-specific encryption through implicitly authenticated location for 5G wireless systems. In SPAWC 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Kenneth G. Paterson: Lucky Microseconds: A Timing Attack on Amazon's s2n Implementation of TLS. In EUROCRYPT (1) 2016.
- Liqun Chen, Thalia M. Laing, Keith M. Martin: Efficient, XOR-Based, Ideal (t, n)- threshold Schemes. In CANS 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Pooya Farshim, Dennis Hofheinz, Enrique Larraia, Kenneth G. Paterson: Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation. In TCC (A1) 2016.
- James Alderman, Christian Janson, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton: Hybrid Publicly Verifiable Computation. In CT-RSA 2016.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Lorenzo Grassi, Christian Rechberger, Arnab Roy, Tyge Tiessen: MiMC: Efficient Encryption and Cryptographic Hashing with Minimal Multiplicative Complexity. In ASIACRYPT (1) 2016.
- Alex Davidson, Gregory Fenn, Carlos Cid: A Model for Secure and Mutually Beneficial Software Vulnerability Sharing. In WISCS@CCS 2016.
- Gordon Procter, Carlos Cid: On Weak Keys and Forgery Attacks Against Polynomial-Based MAC Schemes. In J. Cryptol. 2015.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Rachel Player, Sam Scott: On the concrete hardness of Learning with Errors. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2015.
- Constantinos Macropoulos, Keith M. Martin: Balancing Privacy and Surveillance in the Cloud. In IEEE Cloud Comput. 2015.
- Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Chris J. Mitchell: Improving Air Interface User Privacy in Mobile Telephony. In SSR 2015.
- Mwawi Nyirenda Kayuni, Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell, Po-Wah Yau: Generating Unlinkable IPv6 Addresses. In SSR 2015.
- Konstantinos Mersinas, Bjoern Hartig, Keith M. Martin, Andrew Seltzer: Experimental Elicitation of Risk Behaviour amongst Information Security Professionals. In WEIS 2015.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, S. Owen: A note on an upper bound of traceability codes. In Australas. J Comb. 2015.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret: Algebraic algorithms for LWE problems. In ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra 2015.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Catalin Cocis, Fabien Laguillaumie, Adeline Langlois: Implementing Candidate Graded Encoding Schemes from Ideal Lattices. In ASIACRYPT (2) 2015.
- Javier López, Chris J. Mitchell: Information Security - 18th International Conference, ISC 2015, Trondheim, Norway, September 9-11, 2015, Proceedings. In Springer 2015.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Christian Rechberger, Thomas Schneider, Tyge Tiessen, Michael Zohner: Ciphers for MPC and FHE. In EUROCRYPT (1) 2015.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret: On the complexity of the BKW algorithm on LWE. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2015.
- Carlos Cid, Christian Rechberger: Fast Software Encryption - 21st International Workshop, FSE 2014, London, UK, March 3-5, 2014. Revised Selected Papers. In Springer 2015.
- James Alderman, Christian Janson, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton: Access Control in Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation. In AsiaCCS 2015.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell: Addressing Threats to Real-World Identity Management Systems. In ISSE 2015.
- M. H. R. Khouzani, Piotr Mardziel, Carlos Cid, Mudhakar Srivatsa: Picking vs. Guessing Secrets: A Game-Theoretic Analysis. In CSF 2015.
- Carlos Cid, Loïc Ferreira, Gordon Procter, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Algebraic Cryptanalysis and RFID Authentication. In RFIDSec 2015.
- James Alderman, Christian Janson, Keith M. Martin, Sarah Louise Renwick: Extended Functionality in Verifiable Searchable Encryption. In BalkanCryptSec 2015.
- Wanpeng Li, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Issues in OAuth 2.0 SSO Implementations. In ISC 2014.
- Amizah Malip, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Qin Li: A certificateless anonymous authenticated announcement scheme in vehicular ad hoc networks. In Secur. Commun. Networks 2014.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret, Yosuke Todo, Keita Xagawa: Practical Cryptanalysis of a Public-Key Encryption Scheme Based on New Multivariate Quadratic Assumptions. In Public Key Cryptography 2014.
- Michelle Kendall, Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson: Broadcast-Enhanced Key Predistribution Schemes. In ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 2014.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Benedikt Driessen, Elif Bilge Kavun, Gregor Leander, Christof Paar, Tolga Yalçin: Block Ciphers - Focus on the Linear Layer (feat. PRIDE). In CRYPTO (1) 2014.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Standardisation Research - First International Conference, SSR 2014, London, UK, December 16-17, 2014. Proceedings. In Springer 2014.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret: Lazy Modulus Switching for the BKW Algorithm on LWE. In Public Key Cryptography 2014.
- Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Chris J. Mitchell: Another Look at Privacy Threats in 3G Mobile Telephony. In ACISP 2014.
- Adam McCarthy, Ben Smyth, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Hawk and Aucitas: e-Auction Schemes from the Helios and Civitas e-Voting Schemes. In Financial Cryptography 2014.
- M. H. R. Khouzani, Viet Pham, Carlos Cid: Strategic Discovery and Sharing of Vulnerabilities in Competitive Environments. In GameSec 2014.
- Viet Pham, M. H. R. Khouzani, Carlos Cid: Optimal Contracts for Outsourced Computation. In GameSec 2014.
- Zhiqian Xu, Keith M. Martin: Anonymous User Revocation for Using Attribute-Based Signature in Cloud Computing. In CloudCom 2014.
- James Alderman, Christian Janson, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton: Revocation in Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation. In Inscrypt 2014.
- Cagatay Capar, Dennis Goeckel, Kenneth G. Paterson, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Don Towsley, Murtaza Zafer: Signal-flow-based analysis of wireless security protocols. In Inf. Comput. 2013.
- Liqun Chen, Qin Li, Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng: A privacy-aware reputation-based announcement scheme for VANETs. In WiVeC 2013.
- Chunhua Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Shaohua Tang: Ubiquitous One-Time Password Service Using the Generic Authentication Architecture. In Mob. Networks Appl. 2013.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: Enabling interoperation between Shibboleth and Information Card systems. In Secur. Commun. Networks 2013.
- Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Chris J. Mitchell: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications - 9th European Workshop, EuroPKI 2012, Pisa, Italy, September 13-14, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. In Springer 2013.
- Seung Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, Ranjit Kumaresan, Carlos Cid: Multi-Client Non-interactive Verifiable Computation. In TCC 2013.
- Simone Fischer-Hübner, Elisabeth de Leeuw, Chris J. Mitchell: Policies and Research in Identity Management - Third IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference, IDMAN 2013, London, UK, April 8-9, 2013. Proceedings. In Springer 2013.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Analysing the IOBC Authenticated Encryption Mode. In ACISP 2013.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Robert Fitzpatrick, Florian Göpfert: On the Efficacy of Solving LWE by Reduction to Unique-SVP. In ICISC 2013.
- Pooya Farshim, Benoît Libert, Kenneth G. Paterson, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Robust Encryption, Revisited. In Public Key Cryptography 2013.
- Gordon Procter, Carlos Cid: On Weak Keys and Forgery Attacks Against Polynomial-Based MAC Schemes. In FSE 2013.
- Zhiqian Xu, Keith M. Martin: A Practical Deployment Framework for Use of Attribute-Based Encryption in Data Protection. In HPCC/EUC 2013.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret: On the relation between the MXL family of algorithms and Gröbner basis algorithms. In J. Symb. Comput. 2012.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Carlos Cid, Ciaran Mullan: Cryptanalysis of three matrix-based key establishment protocols. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2012.
- Sean Murphy: The effectiveness of the linear hull effect. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2012.
- Qin Li, Amizah Malip, Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Jie Zhang: A Reputation-Based Announcement Scheme for VANETs. In IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 2012.
- Qin Li, Jie Zhang, Keith M. Martin: Feedback as "Shadow of the Present": An Alternative to Reputation Systems for E-marketplaces. In TrustCom 2012.
- Gina Kounga, Chris J. Mitchell, Thomas Walter: Generating certification authority authenticated public keys in . In Secur. Commun. Networks 2012.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Gregor Leander: An All-In-One Approach to Differential Cryptanalysis for Small Block Ciphers. In Selected Areas in Cryptography 2012.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Allan Tomlinson: Trusted Systems, 4th International Conference, INTRUST 2012, London, UK, December 17-18, 2012. Proceedings. In Springer 2012.
- Martin R. Albrecht: The M4RIE library for dense linear algebra over small fields with even characteristic. In ISSAC 2012.
- Benoît Libert, Kenneth G. Paterson, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Anonymous Broadcast Encryption: Adaptive Security and Efficient Constructions in the Standard Model. In Public Key Cryptography 2012.
- Chunhua Chen, Shaohua Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Building General-Purpose Security Services on EMV Payment Cards. In SecureComm 2012.
- Yuto Nakano, Carlos Cid, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Yutaka Miyake: Memory Access Pattern Protection for Resource-Constrained Devices. In CARDIS 2012.
- Viet Pham, Carlos Cid: Are We Compromised? Modelling Security Assessment Games. In GameSec 2012.
- Zhiqian Xu, Keith M. Martin: Dynamic User Revocation and Key Refreshing for Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud Storage. In TrustCom 2012.
- Qin Li, Keith M. Martin, Jie Zhang: Design of a multiagent-based e-marketplace to secure service trading on the internet. In ICEC 2011.
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Keith M. Martin: Model for a Common Notion of Privacy Leakage on Public Database. In J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl. 2011.
- Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson: Error decodable secret sharing and one-round perfectly secure message transmission for general adversary structures. In Cryptogr. Commun. 2011.
- Liqun Chen, Siaw-Lynn Ng, Guilin Wang: Threshold Anonymous Announcement in VANETs. In IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 2011.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Kenneth G. Paterson: Breaking an Identity-Based Encryption Scheme Based on DHIES. In IMACC 2011.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: Enhancing CardSpace Authentication Using a Mobile Device. In DBSec 2011.
- Boyeon Song, Chris J. Mitchell: Scalable RFID security protocols supporting tag ownership transfer. In Comput. Commun. 2011.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid: Cold Boot Key Recovery by Solving Polynomial Systems with Noise. In ACNS 2011.
- Yuto Nakano, Carlos Cid, Kazuhide Fukushima, Shinsaku Kiyomoto: Analysis of Message Injection in Stream Cipher-Based Hash Functions. In ACNS 2011.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: Extending the Scope of cardspace. In SIN 2011.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Pooya Farshim, Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret: Polly Cracker, Revisited. In ASIACRYPT 2011.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Pooya Farshim, Kenneth G. Paterson, Gaven J. Watson: On Cipher-Dependent Related-Key Attacks in the Ideal-Cipher Model. In FSE 2011.
- Chunhua Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Shaohua Tang: SSL/TLS Session-Aware User Authentication Using a GAA Bootstrapped Key. In WISTP 2011.
- Michelle Kendall, Keith M. Martin: On the Role of Expander Graphs in Key Predistribution Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks. In WEWoRC 2011.
- Chunhua Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Shaohua Tang: Building General Purpose Security Services on Trusted Computing. In INTRUST 2011.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: Client-Based CardSpace-OpenID Interoperation. In ISCIS 2011.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: A Universal Client-Based Identity Management Tool. In EuroPKI 2011.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Traceability codes. In J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 2010.
- Qin Li, Keith M. Martin: A Viable Grid Marketplace. In ISPA 2010.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell: Parsing ambiguities in authentication and key establishment protocols. In Int. J. Electron. Secur. Digit. Forensics 2010.
- Liqun Chen, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Comments on "Proving Reliability of Anonymous Information in VANETs" by Kounga. In IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 2010.
- Keith Mayes, Carlos Cid: The MIFARE Classic story. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 2010.
- Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson: Key predistribution for homogeneous wireless sensor networks with group deployment of nodes. In ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 2010.
- Jason Crampton, Rosli Daud, Keith M. Martin: Constructing Key Assignment Schemes from Chain Partitions. In DBSec 2010.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson: Two-dimensional patterns with distinct differences: constructions, bounds, and maximal anticodes. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2010.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson: Distinct difference configurations: multihop paths and key predistribution in sensor networks. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2010.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Gregory V. Bard, William Hart: Algorithm 898: Efficient multiplication of dense matrices over GF(2). In ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 2010.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Waleed A. Alrodhan, Chris J. Mitchell: CardSpace-liberty integration for CardSpace users. In IDtrust 2010.
- Sondre Rønjom, Carlos Cid: Nonlinear Equivalence of Stream Ciphers. In FSE 2010.
- Keith M. Martin: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Combinatorial Key Predistribution. In Selected Areas in Cryptography 2010.
- Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell: Using CardSpace as a Password Manager. In IDMAN 2010.
- Martin R. Albrecht: Algorithmic algebraic techniques and their application to block cipher cryptanalysis. In Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK 2010.
- Waleed A. Alrodhan, Chris J. Mitchell: Enhancing user authentication in claim-based identity management. In CTS 2010.
- Kenneth G. Paterson, Elizabeth A. Quaglia: Time-Specific Encryption. In SCN 2010.
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Keith M. Martin: Towards a Common Notion of Privacy Leakage on Public Database. In BWCCA 2010.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Thomas Dullien, Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret: Algebraic Precomputations in Differential and Integral Cryptanalysis. In Inscrypt 2010.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Carlos Cid, Ciaran Mullan: Cryptanalysis of the MST 3 public key cryptosystem. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2009.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Jonathan Katz: Attacking cryptographic schemes based on "perturbation polynomials". In CCS 2009.
- Waleed A. Alrodhan, Chris J. Mitchell: Improving the Security of CardSpace. In EURASIP J. Inf. Secur. 2009.
- Sean Murphy, Maura B. Paterson: Geometric Ideas for Cryptographic Equation Solving in Even Characteristic. In IMACC 2009.
- Carlos Cid, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Jun Kurihara: The rakaposhi Stream Cipher. In ICICS 2009.
- Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson: Ultra-Lightweight Key Predistribution in Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Linear Infrastructure. In WISTP 2009.
- Carlos Cid, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann: Block Ciphers: Algebraic Cryptanalysis and Gröbner Bases. In Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography 2009.
- Thomas Martin, Keith M. Martin, Peter R. Wild: Establishing the broadcast efficiency of the Subset Difference Revocation Scheme. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2009.
- Sihan Qing, Chris J. Mitchell, Guilin Wang: Information and Communications Security, 11th International Conference, ICICS 2009, Beijing, China, December 14-17, 2009. Proceedings. In Springer 2009.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell, Andrew P. Martin: Trusted Computing, Second International Conference, Trust 2009, Oxford, UK, April 6-8, 2009, Proceedings. In Springer 2009.
- Olivier Markowitch, Angelos Bilas, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Chris J. Mitchell, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: Information Security Theory and Practice. Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks, Third IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, WISTP 2009, Brussels, Belgium, September 1-4, 2009, Proceedings. In Springer 2009.
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Kazuhide Fukushima, Keith M. Martin: Offline Peer-to-Peer Broadcast with Anonymity. In ICETE (Selected Papers) 2009.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid: Algebraic Techniques in Differential Cryptanalysis. In FSE 2009.
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Keith M. Martin, Kazuhide Fukushima: Privacy-Aware Location Database Service for Granular Queries. In WISTP 2009.
- Eimear Gallery, Chris J. Mitchell: Trusted Computing: Security and Applications. In Cryptologia 2009.
- Boyeon Song, Chris J. Mitchell: Scalable RFID Pseudonym Protocol. In NSS 2009.
- Chris J. Mitchell: A Novel Stateless Authentication Protocol. In Security Protocols Workshop 2009.
- Chris J. Mitchell: A Novel Stateless Authentication Protocol. In Security Protocols Workshop 2009.
- Martin R. Albrecht, Kenneth G. Paterson, Gaven J. Watson: Plaintext Recovery Attacks against SSH. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2009.
- Keith M. Martin: On the Applicability of Combinatorial Designs to Key Predistribution for Wireless Sensor Networks. In IWCC 2009.
- Fiona Higgins, Allan Tomlinson, Keith M. Martin: Survey on Security Challenges for Swarm Robotics. In ICAS 2009.
- Geong Sen Poh, Keith M. Martin: Classification Framework for Fair Content Tracing Protocols. In IWDW 2009.
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Kazuhide Fukushima, Keith M. Martin: An Offline Peer-to-peer Broadcasting Scheme with Anonymity. In SECRYPT 2009.
- Sean Murphy, Maura B. Paterson: A geometric view of cryptographic equation solving. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2008.
- Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson: An Application-Oriented Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Key Establishment. In Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 2008.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Siaw-Lynn Ng: Prolific Codes with the Identifiable Parent Property. In SIAM J. Discret. Math. 2008.
- Shane Balfe, Eimear Gallery, Chris J. Mitchell, Kenneth G. Paterson: Challenges for Trusted Computing. In IEEE Secur. Priv. 2008.
- Waleed A. Alrodhan, Chris J. Mitchell: A client-side CardSpace-Liberty integration architecture. In IDtrust 2008.
- Boyeon Song, Chris J. Mitchell: RFID authentication protocol for low-cost tags. In WISEC 2008.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson: Efficient Key Predistribution for Grid-Based Wireless Sensor Networks. In ICITS 2008.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson, Douglas R. Stinson: Key Refreshing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In ICITS 2008.
- Geong Sen Poh, Keith M. Martin: On the Design of Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocols without a Watermark Authority. In ICETE (Selected Papers) 2008.
- Adrian Leung, Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell: On a Possible Privacy Flaw in Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA). In TRUST 2008.
- Georgios Kalogridis, Chris J. Mitchell: Using Non-adaptive Group Testing to Construct Spy Agent Routes. In ARES 2008.
- Adrian Leung, Chris J. Mitchell: A Device Management Framework for Secure Ubiquitous Service Delivery. In IAS 2008.
- Martin R. Albrecht: Algebraic Attacks on the Courtois Toy Cipher. In Cryptologia 2008.
- Geong Sen Poh, Keith M. Martin: An Efficient Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol Based on Chameleon Encryption. In IWDW 2008.
- Geong Sen Poh, Keith M. Martin: On the (In)Security of Two Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocols. In SECRYPT 2008.
- Keith M. Martin, Siaw-Lynn Ng: The combinatorics of generalised cumulative arrays. In J. Math. Cryptol. 2007.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Cryptanalysis of the EPBC Authenticated Encryption Mode. In IMACC 2007.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Fred Piper, Peter R. Wild: ID-based cryptography using symmetric primitives. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2007.
- Imad M. Abbadi, Chris J. Mitchell: Digital rights management using a mobile phone. In ICEC 2007.
- Eimear Gallery, Chris J. Mitchell: Trusted Mobile Platforms. In FOSAD 2007.
- Adrian Leung, Chris J. Mitchell: Ninja: Non Identity Based, Privacy Preserving Authentication for Ubiquitous Environments. In UbiComp 2007.
- Suranjith Ariyapperuma, Chris J. Mitchell: Security vulnerabilities in DNS and DNSSEC. In ARES 2007.
- Waleed A. Alrodhan, Chris J. Mitchell: Addressing privacy issues in CardSpace. In IAS 2007.
- Steve Babbage, Carlos Cid, Norbert Pramstaller, Håvard Raddum: An Analysis of the Hermes8 Stream Ciphers. In ACISP 2007.
- Geong Sen Poh, Keith M. Martin: A Framework for Design and Analysis of Asymmetric Fingerprinting Protocols. In IAS 2007.
- Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Keith M. Martin: Host Mobility Protocol for Secure Group Communication in Wireless Mobile Environments. In FGCN (1) 2007.
- Carlos Cid: Recent developments in cryptographic hash functions: Security implications and future directions. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 2006.
- Susan G. Barwick, Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Optimal updating of ideal threshold schemes. In Australas. J Comb. 2006.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Mobile Security and Trusted Computing (Mobile Sicherheit und vertrauenswürdiges Rechnen). In it Inf. Technol. 2006.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Cryptanalysis of a hybrid authentication protocol for large mobile networks. In J. Syst. Softw. 2006.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Using Human Interactive Proofs to Secure Human-Machine Interactions via Untrusted Intermediaries. In Security Protocols Workshop 2006.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Using Human Interactive Proofs to Secure Human-Machine Interactions via Untrusted Intermediaries. In Security Protocols Workshop 2006.
- Jason Crampton, Keith M. Martin, Peter R. Wild: On Key Assignment for Hierarchical Access Control. In CSFW 2006.
- Carlos Cid, Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Algebraic aspects of the advanced encryption standard. In Springer 2006.
- Adrian Leung, Chris J. Mitchell: A Service Discovery Threat Model for Ad Hoc Networks. In SECRYPT 2006.
- Sharon Nachtigal, Chris J. Mitchell: Modelling E-Business Security Using Business Processes. In SECRYPT 2006.
- Adil Alsaid, Chris J. Mitchell: A Scanning Tool for PC Root Public Key Stores. In WEWoRC 2005.
- Konstantinos Rantos, Chris J. Mitchell: Matching key recovery mechanisms to business requirements. In Comput. Secur. 2005.
- Lars R. Knudsen, Chris J. Mitchell: Partial Key Recovery Attack Against RMAC. In J. Cryptol. 2005.
- Aline Gouget, Hervé Sibert, Côme Berbain, Nicolas T. Courtois, Blandine Debraize, Chris J. Mitchell: Analysis of the Bit-Search Generator and Sequence Compression Techniques. In FSE 2005.
- Anand S. Gajparia, Chris J. Mitchell, Chan Yeob Yeun: Supporting User Privacy in Location Based Services. In IEICE Trans. Commun. 2005.
- Carlos Cid, Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: An Algebraic Framework for Cipher Embeddings. In IMACC 2005.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Partial Key Recovery Attacks on XCBC, TMAC and OMAC. In IMACC 2005.
- Susan G. Barwick, Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: Updating the parameters of a threshold scheme by minimal broadcast. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2005.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Comments on a cryptographic key assignment scheme. In Comput. Stand. Interfaces 2005.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Comments on two anonymous conference key distribution systems. In Comput. Stand. Interfaces 2005.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Properties of Two Authenticated Conference Key Agreement Protocols. In ICICS 2005.
- Carlos Cid, Gaëtan Leurent: An Analysis of the XSL Algorithm. In ASIACRYPT 2005.
- Susan G. Barwick, Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: A General Approach to Robust Web Metering. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2005.
- Keith M. Martin, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang, Peter R. Wild: Distributing the Encryption and Decryption of a Block Cipher. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2005.
- Adil Alsaid, Chris J. Mitchell: Dynamic content attacks on digital signatures. In Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 2005.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Error Oracle Attacks on CBC Mode: Is There a Future for CBC Mode Encryption?. In ISC 2005.
- Shenglan Hu, Chris J. Mitchell: Improving IP Address Autoconfiguration Security in MANETs Using Trust Modelling. In MSN 2005.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: On the Security of Some Password-Based Key Agreement Schemes. In CIS (2) 2005.
- Qiang Tang, Chris J. Mitchell: Efficient Compilers for Authenticated Group Key Exchange. In CIS (2) 2005.
- Geraint Price, Chris J. Mitchell: Interoperation Between a Conventional PKI and an ID-Based Infrastructure. In EuroPKI 2005.
- Adil Alsaid, Chris J. Mitchell: Installing Fake Root Keys in a PC. In EuroPKI 2005.
- Arnold K. L. Yau, Kenneth G. Paterson, Chris J. Mitchell: Padding Oracle Attacks on CBC-Mode Encryption with Secret and Random IVs. In FSE 2005.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Cryptanalysis of Two Variants of PCBC Mode When Used for Message Integrity. In ACISP 2005.
- Carlos Cid, Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Small Scale Variants of the AES. In FSE 2005.
- Keith M. Martin: Dynamic access policies for unconditionally secure secret sharing schemes. In ICITS 2005.
- Georgios Kalogridis, Chris J. Mitchell, Gary Clemo: Spy Agents: Evaluating Trust in Remote Environments. In Security and Management 2005.
- Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Keith M. Martin: Group Communication: Design Challenges in the Development of Key Management Frameworks in Wireless Mobile Environments. In Security and Management 2005.
- John A. MacDonald, William G. Sirett, Chris J. Mitchell: Overcoming Channel Bandwidth Constraints in Secure SIM Applications. In SEC 2005.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Chris J. Mitchell: Comments on mutual authentication and key exchange protocols for low power wireless communications. In IEEE Commun. Lett. 2004.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: Limits to Anonymity When Using Credentials. In Security Protocols Workshop 2004.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Limits to Anonymity When Using Credentials (Transcript of Discussion). In Security Protocols Workshop 2004.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: A Security Model for Anonymous Credential Systems. In International Information Security Workshops 2004.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: Using EMV Cards for Single Sign-On. In EuroPKI 2004.
- Carlos Cid: Some Algebraic Aspects of the Advanced Encryption Standard. In AES Conference 2004.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: Impostor: a single sign-on system for use from untrusted devices. In GLOBECOM 2004.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: A Characterisation of Posets that Are nearly Antichains. In Order 2004.
- Lars R. Knudsen, Chris J. Mitchell: Analysis of 3gpp-MAC and Two-key 3gpp-MAC. In Discret. Appl. Math. 2003.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: Posets and protocols-picking the right three-party protocol. In IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 2003.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Remote User Authentication Using Public Information. In IMACC 2003.
- Chien-Lung Hsu, Tzong-Sun Wu, Tzong-Chen Wu, Chris J. Mitchell: Improvement of modified authenticated key agreement protocol. In Appl. Math. Comput. 2003.
- Mida Guillermo, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Providing Anonymity in Unconditionally Secure Secret Sharing Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2003.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: A Representation of a Family of Secret Sharing Matroids. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2003.
- Paulo S. Pagliusi, Chris J. Mitchell: PANA/IKEv2: An Internet Authentication Protocol for Heterogeneous Access. In WISA 2003.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: Single Sign-On Using Trusted Platforms. In ISC 2003.
- Mansour A. Al-Meaither, Chris J. Mitchell: A Secure Electronic Payment Scheme for Charity Donations. In EC-Web 2003.
- Vorapranee Khu-smith, Chris J. Mitchell: Enhancing E-commerce Security Using GSM Authentication. In EC-Web 2003.
- Andreas Pashalidis, Chris J. Mitchell: A Taxonomy of Single Sign-On Systems. In ACISP 2003.
- Luciano Rila, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Protocols for Biometrics-Based Cardholder Authentication in Smartcards. In ACNS 2003.
- Mansour A. Al-Meaither, Chris J. Mitchell: A Secure Electronic Murabaha Transaction. In Bled eConference 2003.
- Niklas Borselius, Chris J. Mitchell: Securing FIPA Agent Communication. In Security and Management 2003.
- Chez Ciechanowicz, Keith M. Martin, Fred Piper, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Ten Years of Information Security Masters Programmes. In World Conference on Information Security Education 2003.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: Some Properties of the Yoshiara Family of Planes. In Eur. J. Comb. 2002.
- Niklas Borselius, Chris J. Mitchell, Aaron Wilson: A pragmatic alternative to undetachable signatures. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 2002.
- Niklas Borselius, Chris J. Mitchell, Aaron Wilson: On the value of threshold signatures. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 2002.
- Günther Horn, Keith M. Martin, Chris J. Mitchell: Authentication protocols for mobile network environment value-added services. In IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 2002.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Namhyun Hur: On the security of a structural proven signer ordering multisignature scheme. In Communications and Multimedia Security 2002.
- Sattam S. Al-Riyami, Chris J. Mitchell: Renewing crytographic timestamps. In Communications and Multimedia Security 2002.
- Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Key-Dependent S-Boxes and Differential Cryptanalysis. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2002.
- Sean Murphy, Matthew J. B. Robshaw: Essential Algebraic Structure within the AES. In CRYPTO 2002.
- Vorapranee Khu-smith, Chris J. Mitchell: Using GSM to enhance e-commerce security. In Workshop Mobile Commerce 2002.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Paulo S. Pagliusi: Is Entity Authentication Necessary?. In Security Protocols Workshop 2002.
- Vorapranee Khu-smith, Chris J. Mitchell: Using EMV Cards to Protect E-commerce Transactions. In EC-Web 2002.
- Keith M. Martin, Josef Pieprzyk, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang, Peter R. Wild: Threshold MACs. In ICISC 2002.
- Susan G. Barwick, Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Peter R. Wild: Size of Broadcast in Threshold Schemes with Disenrollment. In ACISP 2002.
- Luciano Rila, Chris J. Mitchell: Security Analysis of Smartcard to Card Reader Communications for Biometric Cardholder Authentication. In CARDIS 2002.
- Pita Jarupunphol, Chris J. Mitchell: E-commerce and the Media - Influences on Security Risk Perceptions. In WITASI 2002.
- Pita Jarupunphol, Chris J. Mitchell: Implementation Aspects of SET/EMV. In I3E 2002.
- Konstantinos Rantos, Chris J. Mitchell: Key Recovery Scheme Interoperability - A Protocol for Mechanism Negotiation. In IMACC 2001.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: Comments on "Dynamic participation in a secure conference scheme for mobile communications". In IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 2001.
- Karl Brincat, Chris J. Mitchell: Key Recovery Attacks on MACs Based on Properties of Cryptographic APIs. In IMACC 2001.
- Niklas Borselius, Chris J. Mitchell, Aaron Wilson: Undetachable Threshold Signatures. In IMACC 2001.
- Lars R. Knudsen, Chris J. Mitchell: An analysis of the 3gpp-MAC scheme. In Electron. Notes Discret. Math. 2001.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Michael Walker: On the Composition of Matroids and Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2001.
- Niklas Borselius, Chris J. Mitchell, Aaron Wilson: On Mobile Agent Based Transactions in Moderately Hostile Environments. In Network Security 2001.
- Vorapranee Khu-smith, Chris J. Mitchell: Enhancing the Security of Cookies. In ICISC 2001.
- Karl Brincat, Chris J. Mitchell: New CBC-MAC Forgery Attacks. In ACISP 2001.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Peter R. Wild: On k-arcs Covering a Line in Finite Projective Planes. In Ars Comb. 2001.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng, Peter R. Wild: A New Family of Extended Generalized Quadrangles of Order (. In Eur. J. Comb. 2000.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Making serial number based authentication robust against loss of state. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 2000.
- Chris J. Mitchell: PKI standards. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 2000.
- Don Coppersmith, Lars R. Knudsen, Chris J. Mitchell: Key Recovery and Forgery Attacks on the MacDES MAC Algorithm. In CRYPTO 2000.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Konstantinos Rantos: A fair certification protocol. In Comput. Commun. Rev. 1999.
- Siaw-Lynn Ng: Comments on "On the Security of Three-Party Cryptographic Protocs" by Xu, Zhang and Zhu. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 1999.
- Keith M. Martin, Josef Pieprzyk, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang: Changing Thresholds in the Absence of Secure Channels. In Aust. Comput. J. 1999.
- Sean Murphy: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 1999.
- Keith M. Martin, Chris J. Mitchell: Comments on an optimized protocol for mobile network authentication and security. In ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev. 1999.
- Keith M. Martin, Josef Pieprzyk, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang: Changing Thresholds in the Absence of Secure Channels. In ACISP 1999.
- Keith M. Martin, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang: Bounds and Techniques for Efficient Redistribution of Secret Shares to New Access Structures. In Comput. J. 1999.
- Keith M. Martin, Bart Preneel, Chris J. Mitchell, Hans-Joachim Hitz, Günther Horn, Alla Poliakova, Peter Howard: Secure Billing for Mobile Information Services in UMTS. In IS&N 1998.
- L. Rey A. Casse, Keith M. Martin, Peter R. Wild: Bounds and Characterizations of Authentication/Secrecy Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1998.
- Sean Murphy: An Analysis of SAFER. In J. Cryptol. 1998.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Chan Yeob Yeun: Fixing a Problem in the Helsinki Protocol. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 1998.
- Lars R. Knudsen, Keith M. Martin: In Search of Multiple Domain Key Recovery. In J. Comput. Secur. 1998.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Kenneth G. Paterson: Perfect Factors from Cyclic Codes and Interleaving. In SIAM J. Discret. Math. 1998.
- Chris J. Mitchell: On Integer-Valued Rational Polynomials and Depth Distributions of Binary Codes. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1998.
- Peter Y. A. Ryan, Dieter Gollmann, Li Gong, Günter Karjoth, Chris J. Mitchell: Panel Introduction: The Security Impact of Distributed Computing Technologies. In CSFW 1998.
- Marten van Dijk, Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: A General Decomposition Construction for Incomplete Secret Sharing Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1998.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Mutually Trusted Authority-Free Secret Sharing Schemes. In J. Cryptol. 1997.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Authentication Using Minimally Trusted Servers. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 1997.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Authentication using cryptography. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 1997.
- Sean Murphy: The difficulty of attacking cryptosystems. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 1997.
- Chris J. Mitchell: De Bruijn Sequences and Perfect Factors. In SIAM J. Discret. Math. 1997.
- Yongfei Han, Chris J. Mitchell, Dieter Gollmann: A fast modular exponentiation for rsa on systolic arrays. In Int. J. Comput. Math. 1997.
- Keith M. Martin: Increasing Efficiency of International Key Escrow in Mutually Mistrusting Domains. In IMACC 1997.
- Diane Erdmann, Sean Murphy: An Approximate Distribution for the Maximum Order Complexity. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1997.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell, Peter R. Wild: Secret Sharing with Reusable Polynomials. In ACISP 1997.
- Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell: An anonymous and undeniable payment scheme. In ICICS 1997.
- Mark P. Hoyle, Chris J. Mitchell: On Solutions to the Key Escrow Problem. In State of the Art in Applied Cryptography 1997.
- Chris Charnes, Keith M. Martin, Josef Pieprzyk, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini: Secret sharing in hierarchical groups. In ICICS 1997.
- Keith M. Martin, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini: Multisender authentication systems with unconditional security. In ICICS 1997.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Kenneth G. Paterson: Comments on "Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Cryptography". In IEEE Trans. Computers 1997.
- Glenn Hurlbert, Chris J. Mitchell, Kenneth G. Paterson: On the Existence of de Bruijn Tori with Two by Two Windows. In J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 1996.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes with Multiple Secrets. In J. Cryptol. 1996.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Liqun Chen: Comments on the S/KEY User Authentication Scheme. In ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 1996.
- Chris J. Mitchell: The royal holloway TTP-based key escrow scheme. In Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep. 1996.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Tuvi Etzion, Kenneth G. Paterson: A method for constructing decodable de Bruijn sequences. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1996.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Tailoring authentication protocols to match underlying mechanisms. In ACISP 1996.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: A combinatorial interpretation of ramp schemes. In Australas. J Comb. 1996.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: Efficient constructions for one sharing of many secrets. In Australas. J Comb. 1996.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Fred Piper, Michael Walker, Peter R. Wild: Authentication Schemes, Perfect Local Randomizers, Perfect Secrecy and Secret Sharing Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1996.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes on Five Participants. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1996.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: A Construction for Multisecret Threshold Schemes. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1996.
- Dieter Gollmann, Yongfei Han, Chris J. Mitchell: Redundant Integer Representations and Fast Exponentiation. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1996.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Key Escrow in Mutually Mistrusting Domains. In Security Protocols Workshop 1996.
- Donald W. Davies, Sean Murphy: Pairs and Triplets of DES S-Boxes. In J. Cryptol. 1995.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Jacques Stern: The Cryptanalysis of a Public-Key Implementation of Finite Group Mappings. In J. Cryptol. 1995.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Distributing Trust Amongst Multiple Authentication Servers. In J. Comput. Secur. 1995.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Aperiodic and semi-periodic perfect maps. In IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1995.
- Chris J. Mitchell: A Storage Complexity Based Analogue of Maurer Key Establishment Using Public Channels. In IMACC 1995.
- Yongfei Han, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Minimal Weight k-SR Representations. In IMACC 1995.
- Nigel Jefferies, Chris J. Mitchell, Michael Walker: A Proposed Architecture for Trusted Third Party Services. In Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms 1995.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Efficient Secret Sharing Without a Mutually Trusted Authority (Extended Abstract). In EUROCRYPT 1995.
- Liqun Chen, Dieter Gollmann, Chris J. Mitchell: Key distribution without individual trusted authentification servers. In CSFW 1995.
- Jonathan Jedwab, Chris J. Mitchell, Fred Piper, Peter R. Wild: Perfect binary arrays and difference sets. In Discret. Math. 1994.
- Sean Murphy, Kenneth G. Paterson, Peter R. Wild: A Weak Cipher that Generates the Symmetric Group. In J. Cryptol. 1994.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Michael Walker, Peter R. Wild: The Combinatorics of Perfect Authentication Schemes. In SIAM J. Discret. Math. 1994.
- John Burns, Chris J. Mitchell: Parameter Selection for Server-Aided RSA Computation Schemes. In IEEE Trans. Computers 1994.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes and Their Duals. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1994.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Kenneth G. Paterson: Decoding Perfect Maps. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1994.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Constructing c-ary Perfect Factors. In Des. Codes Cryptogr. 1994.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: On Sharing Many Secrets (Extended Abstract). In ASIACRYPT 1994.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Andy Thomas: Standardising Authentication Protocols Based on Public-Key Techniques. In J. Comput. Secur. 1993.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin, Christine M. O'Keefe: Multisecret Threshold Schemes. In CRYPTO 1993.
- Simon R. Blackburn, Sean Murphy, Jacques Stern: Weakness of a Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Factorizations of Finite Groups. In EUROCRYPT 1993.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Authenticating Multicast Internet Electronic Mail Messages Using a Bidirectional MAC is Insecure. In IEEE Trans. Computers 1992.
- Wen-Ai Jackson, Keith M. Martin: Cumulative Arrays and Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes. In AUSCRYPT 1992.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Vijay Varadharajan: Modified forms of cipher block chaining. In Comput. Secur. 1991.
- Xuejia Lai, James L. Massey, Sean Murphy: Markov Ciphers and Differential Cryptanalysis. In EUROCRYPT 1991.
- Colin I'Anson, Chris J. Mitchell: Security defects in CCITT recommendation X.509: the directory authentication framework. In Comput. Commun. Rev. 1990.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Enumerating Boolean Functions of Cryptographic Significance. In J. Cryptol. 1990.
- Philippe Godlewski, Chris J. Mitchell: Key-Minimal Crytosystems for Unconditional Secrecy. In J. Cryptol. 1990.
- Sean Murphy: The Cryptanalysis of FEAL-4 with 20 Chosen Plaintexts. In J. Cryptol. 1990.
- John Burns, Chris J. Mitchell: A security scheme for resource sharing over a network. In Comput. Secur. 1990.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Dave Rush, Michael Walker: A Secure Messaging Architecture Implementing the X.400-1988 Security Features. In Comput. J. 1990.
- Martin Anthony, Keith M. Martin, Jennifer Seberry, Peter R. Wild: Some Remarks on Authentication Systems. In AUSCRYPT 1990.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Peter R. Wild: One-stage one-sided rearrangeable switching networks. In IEEE Trans. Commun. 1989.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Dave Rush, Michael Walker: A remark on hash functions for message authentication. In Comput. Secur. 1989.
- Philippe Godlewski, Chris J. Mitchell: Key Minimal Authentication Systems for Unconditional Secrecy. In EUROCRYPT 1989.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Multi-Destination Secure Electronic Mail. In Comput. J. 1989.
- Chris J. Mitchell: Another Postage Stamp Problem. In Comput. J. 1989.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Fred Piper: Key storage in secure networks. In Discret. Appl. Math. 1988.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Michael Walker: Solutions to the multidestination secure electronic mail problem. In Comput. Secur. 1988.
- Chris J. Mitchell, Fred Piper: The cost of reducing key-storage requirements in secure networks. In Comput. Secur. 1987.